Monday, December 21, 2009

Wow...woke up this morning to Brittany Murphy being dead at the age of 32. Drugs, dieting, married to an enabler. Sound familiar??? Take a peek into most of our lives and there is a least a scoosh of a reflection of her there. Rest in peace Brittany. Your death touched my heart.
Just got a little money, so we did our Xmas shopping. I haven't been this rushed in years, and we were only buying for the little ones. I think we paid more for shipping than for the gifts themselves. As long as they are happy. I don't think the little ones care so much as we do about the impression of caring with a gift. They would be happy with a hug.
The holidays are bringing with them a stress and nervousness that I've been impervious to in the past. Family brings out the manic in me. My therapist says that just one holiday can un-do a years worth of therapy. She ain't kiddin. It's the God's honest truth, that. I love them all, but wearing the black sheep mantle gets a bit thin after a few decades. Can you smellllllll what the Rock is Cookin'!!!!!!?????
My linguica with pinto beans is hubby no where to be found. He's out on calls, taking care of the fam. I'm missing him to pieces right about now. I got the Xmas mess cleaned up in the living room. I had wrapping paper wall-to-wall, and lost the tape and scissors too many times to count. Seriously, I threw my hands up many a time today wondering how the hell I lost the damn tape when I just used it two seconds ago. Damn Xmas. Dennis at UPS was one hell of a customer service pro. Got my packages out with minimum amount of drama, they will be delivered before Xmas Eve. Yay UPS!!!
My Bailey's and ice is melting, as fast as my attention span. I'm torn between writing and listening to Tiger's most recent whore get her 15 minutes of fame. I'm famished, so eating trumps all distractions.
Hope today was peaceful for you...
With love,

1 comment:

  1. Christmas can be like a gourment meal .... We spend hours preparing and mere moments gobbling it up.
    Glad to hear you got so much accomplished.
